COVID-19 Safety
We are concerned about the comfort and safety of our guests and employees. We take in to consideration orders and guidance from the Health Department of Northwest Michigan (our local Health Department), State of Michigan and other authorities with jurisdiction in formulating our approach to COVID-19 safety protocols.
Orders: There are no orders from any authority now in effect that require a response to COVID-19.
Guidance: The Health Department and CDC currently recommend, but do not require, masking for individuals with chronic or other conditions that put them at elevated risk to respiratory disease or otherwise from COVID-19. They also recommend masking indoors in public spaces if the current rate of new cases presents a “high risk” in the county based on CDC guidelines. As of the date of this post Charlevoix County was not at a high risk level.
Current Procedure: Guests and staff are welcome to wear masks while in the BIC Center, but masking is not required.
We thank you for your understanding and willingness to work with us to protect our guest, employees and the Island.
This statement and our COVID-19 Safety procedures may be updated at any time as necessary to meet current requirements and guidance applicable to the BIC Center. For more information and links to official guidance, please visit the WVBI Covid-19 Info Page.