Our jam packed summer line-up continues for the third week of July. Monday Night at the Movies features the critically acclaimed breakout film The Last Stop in Yuma County. Made with a small budget and breakout actors, it’s won critical acclaim including from WVBI’s Heading for the Couch Movie reviewer Tom Herbert. On Tuesday at 5:00 Retired Air Force Colonel Tom Erhard will be here for a second National Security Seminar. This non-partisan discussion will continue the discussion started in June about the security threats we all face as Americans. Tom is well placed to present the issues as he has been deeply involved in the development of national security strategy. The seminar will start at 5:00 in the Hangout (upstairs) with food from Bodega Catering.

Wednesday night the Beaver Island Jazz Series for 2024 continues with the Greg Vandais Quartet. The quartet is led by Greg on the drums and features Ron Getz on guitar, Bruce Dondero on Bass, and Dan White on Saxophones. It’ll be a night of cool jazz to top off a summer day. Check them out here. Get your tickets at tickets.biccenter.org.  And while you are there, think about grabbing seats for the upcoming Jazz Series events at the BIC center with Kevin Cole on August 14th and the Dave Bennet Quartet on August 17th.

Thursday evening its time to get quizzical with the Beaver Island trivia game. Let’s Get Quizzical starts at 6:00 with a night of brain teasers and lots of laughs. Please bring a dish to share if you are able along with your favorite beverage to enjoy. If you’d like to enjoy dinner from the Concession Stand, please order ahead so it can be ready for quiz time. Register your team in advance at tickets.biccenter.org.

In addition to all of those events, we have Summer Yoga with classes available Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, including special therapeutic sessions on Mondays. There’s also the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program on Tuesdays and Fridays and, during July, Zumba classes with Sarah Mullen.  Upcoming sessions are on Tuesday the 23rd and Thursday the 25th at (:16 and 10:00 both days. And, don’t forget about the increasingly popular Senior+Vets Coffe+Donuts on Fridays. Join us from 8:30 to 10:30 for some sweet treats, morning brew and the opportunity to hang out and chat with fellow Islanders.

Tickets for the shows are available at tickets.biccenter.org. Movies are freewill donation. A fee is collected for yoga sessions, but 100% of that is donated to the BIC Center.

We look forward to seeing you at your Community Center!