The glow of fresh green is everywhere on the isle now, along with a steadily increasing flow of visitors and returning summer residents. Last Saturday saw a well-attended Garage Sale out front of your Community Center, when beautiful weather allowed us to move the event from indoors to the sidewalk’s edge with several tables of goodies including kid-made clay art, seen here.
This week Time for Art draws to a close for the season, with the regular Wednesday 5 PM class focused on wrapping and prepping clay pinch pots. That’s followed on Friday, May 24 with a gathering at art instructor Cindy Ricksger’s home for a pit fire to bake participant’s clay work. There will be beverages, a big pot of soup, and sourdough bread, formally ending the art class series for the summer. We’ve so enjoyed the diverse techniques Cindy and guest teachers have shared with our community throughout the long autumn and winter months – with special thanks to our ever-talented Cindy for making this wonderfully enriching education possible. Without her, the island and the BIC Center would be far less colorful, inviting, and interesting!
Saturday morning is the 2024 Annual Golf Tournament at Beaver Island Golf Course and Driving Range, a fundraiser to benefit Child and Family Activities at the Beaver Island Community Center. Fee Entry is $65.00 per Player, with BI Golf Course Members paying $40.00 per Player. 5-Player Teams, open to all ages, and check-in starts at 8:15 AM, with a 9:00 AM Shotgun Start; then Lunch/Awards/Raffle following the 9-Hole Scramble. There are still slots left, so contact Kevin Stipp at, 951-453-1367, or 231-448-2871 to register. BI Golf Course can be reached at 231-448-2301.
Later on Saturday at 3 PM in the BIC Center theater is ‘Identifying Water Birds in Flight’, a presentation by birding expert Darrell Lawson as part of the Birding Foray 2024 program, the successor to the BI Birding Trail’s Warblers on the Water program. Attendees will learn how shape, flight patterns, behavior, flock organization and other strategies can be applied to help in identifying waterbirds even at great distances. Another birding presentation takes place on Sunday at 3 PM in our theater – ‘Tales from the Road: The Big Year Talk‘, given by Terry Grabill, a former CMU Bio Station student who co-developed the “Beaver Island Group” program for beginning birders through Fremont Middle School. Both presentations ask for free-will donations; registration is not required but is encouraged to help with planning.
Please note that there will be no Saturday movies this week as we transition into our summer schedule, showing one movie on Mondays at 5 PM, beginning June 3rd. See you at the Community Center!


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